Member-only story
To smile or not to smile, that is the question
Your actions could start a revolution around the world.
God knows we could do with it! A smile I mean!
Have you noticed when walking around a busy area or in shops or the like, how many people are smiling, how many look happy? I will tell you, not many.
The world is in a strangely stressed state at the moment. We have a worldwide pandemic causing illness, hardship and anguish. Wars in certain regions, terrorist activity, the US fretting over their Presidential Election. In Britain, we have Brexit and all the divisions that has caused. Racial unrest, inequalities. I could go on. Wow, no wonder everyone looks sad.
However, have you ever been to a football match (soccer to all my American friends)? Oh, go on then, American Football, concerts and other events where we can park our troubles at the door? A goal goes in, a touchdown is scored or we witness greatness on stage. Have you noticed at that precise point, nothing matters anymore? People laugh, cheer, and hug each other. Strangers all and without thought.
Let us start a revolution
I want to start this revolution. Come on, when out and about, I want us all to smile to everyone we meet and just say “good morning” or “ good afternoon.”…